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Glowing from within: Sarah's interview with Wild Nutrition

Taking a moment to care for ourselves is essential for maintaining nourished skin, but this means looking after both our external and internal health. That's why our co-founder, Sarah, sat down with Wild Nutrition to talk about how we can 'glow from within' and look after our skin using both our skincare and the way we look after our body.

Skincare essentials for glowing skin

Sunscreen: your daily shield

No matter the season, sunscreen is a must-have. Long-term exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage, which is the opposite to having a radiant glow. 

Opt for factor 50+ SPF with PA++++ broad-spectrum coverage, and make it a part of your daily routine to protect your skin year-round.

Cleansing: a clean canvas

Daily cleansing is crucial, especially with increased exposure to environmental stressors when we spend more time outdoors in the summer months. Choose a creamy cleanser, like our Balancer Cream Cleanser - with prebiotic inulin and moisture actives like niacinamide, this gently cleanses the skin without stripping its natural oils or disrupting the skin's pH balance.

By Sarah Balancer Cream Cleanser

Hydration: inside and out

Hydration is key to healthy skin. Use hydrating products, like the Reviver Hydrating Mist, to boost your skin moisture levels throughout the day, or after cleansing to help replenish cellular moisture. We love keeping ours in the fridge for a bonus cooling effect on warmer days. 

Proper skin hydration isn't just about what you apply to your skin; it's also about what you consume. Incorporating water-rich foods like celery and watermelon into your diet can be a quick way to eat your water and boost hydration. 

Nourish: replenish and protect

Nourish your skin with products like the Hero Facial Oil, rich in sweet almond and evening primrose oil, to replenish skin lipids and maintain a healthy skin barrier. This soothing facial oil is made with plant oils that have a molecular structure almost identical to our skin's. This means the oils are absorbed rapidly into the skin, ensuring no greasy residue is left behind and your skin can make the most of the oils' nourishing benefits. 

Eat your vitamins

The foods you consume play a pivotal role in maintaining your skin’s health and radiance. By incorporating whole-foods containing essential vitamins and minerals into your diet, you can support your skin’s hydration, repair, and overall glow. Here are Wild Nutrition's key vitamins to focus on eating:

  • Vitamin C: Essential for collagen production, found in citrus fruits and dark leafy greens.
  • Zinc: Supports the immune system, reduces inflammation and promotes gut health. Found in pumpkin seeds, quinoa, and sesame seeds.
  • Vitamin E: Moisturises and repairs the skin, found in nuts and seeds.
  • Vitamin A: Beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, is found in orange-coloured foods like carrots, butternut squash, and pumpkin.

Summer skincare for sensitive skin

During the summer, opt for gentler skincare alternatives to potent actives. Consider using the Vitamin C+E Booster, which pairs a slow-releasing vitamin C with vitamin E to enhance efficacy of the vitamin C without causing irritation.

Retinol can often cause dryness and increased inflammation to sensitive skin, as well as making the skin more susceptible to sun damage. Instead, try bakuchiol - a natural alternative to retinol that's suitable for sensitive skin. In fact, one study found bakuchiol to be even more effective at promoting type I collagen production than retinol. That's true plant power. 

By Sarah Boosted Glow Up bundle

Daily healthy habits to boost skin glow

Consistency is key to seeing long-term results. Here are three of Sarah's favourite daily habits to boost skin glow and nourish yourself from within:

  1. Internal health: Your skin reflects your internal health. Pay attention to your diet, sleep and movement. Stress and dietary changes can often trigger skin flare ups, so identifying and managing these triggers is crucial.
  2. Quality sleep: Healing and cell regeneration primarily occurs during deep sleep. Establish a sleep routine to promote better REM sleep by eating earlier, reducing blue light exposure, and aiming for earlier bedtimes.
  3. Manage stress: Stress leads to oxidative stress, causing cell damage and depletion of the body's nutrients. Incorporate stress management techniques such as breathwork and small moments of joy throughout your day to calm your nervous system and improve both your mental and physical health.

Foods for a natural glow

Base your diet around whole grains, healthy fats, and a variety of fibre-rich plants, nuts and seeds. Looking for inspiration? The Mediterranean diet is well-known to be great for its diversity of plant-based wholefoods. Here are some key foods you can easily integrate into your diet to boost your natural glow:

  • Olives and oily fish: Packed with healthy fats and fatty acids.
  • Ancient grains: Opt for oats, quinoa, or long-fermented sourdough.
  • Nuts and seeds: Rotate different types for a range of nutrients.
  • Colourful plants: Aim for a rainbow of different plants each day to benefit from various polyphenols and antioxidants.

Know your skin

Understanding your skin's needs helps you respond effectively when issues arise. Keeping a skin diary can be a useful tool to track changes and identify what works best for you to achieve glowing skin that reflects your inner health and wellbeing.

Watch the full video of Sarah's discussion with Wild Nutrition for more advice.

If you have any questions about your skin, or just to say hi, reach out to us at, or reach out to us on Instagram, @bysarahlondon. We love to hear from you and are happy to help.


About Wild Nutrition

Founded 11 years ago by nutritional therapist Henrietta Norton, Wild Nutrition emerged from a desire to create high-quality supplements free from artificial additives. Henrietta's experience in clinical practice with women highlighted the need for supplements that are respectful, sustainable, and as close to natural food as possible. Using a food-growing method, Wild Nutrition's products are gentle on digestion and don't require high doses. As a B Corp, they also prioritize sustainability with glass jars and refillable pouches.



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