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Q&A with Alice Law, Founder of Unstressable

Alice Law, founder of Unstressable and a mindset and energy coach, shares her inspiring journey to becoming an author and wellness management consultant. Sparked by personal stress and loss, her immersion in energy healing and mindfulness during this challenging period led her to create Unstressable. Alice discusses the importance of energy healing and meditation, offers advice for newcomers to the practice, and reveals her techniques for balancing a busy schedule with personal well-being.

What sparked your journey as a mindset and energy coach and founding Unstressable?

The reason I ended up on this path came from a place of personal stress and loss. I originally had no intention of being a coach, I thought I wanted to have my own fashion label! It was sparked when I found myself going through a time of great stress in my life where everything just kept happening, one thing after the other. The most devastating being that I lost a sister to cancer – and at the same time and, subsequently afterwards, I was dealing with other difficulties, including a parent's depression and physical health problems and the break-down of a relationship. I realised I needed to work out a different way to cope with stress or I was going to struggle to get through it all.

So I just read and listened to the best coaches, spiritual thought leaders, mindset experts, mindfulness teachers and healers and constantly absorbed all this new information that got me through what was the most difficult period of my life.

I found energy healing and before I knew it, I had found a different perspective and the tools I needed. It was when I was made redundant from my job of 4 years that I really thought hard about what I really wanted to do: I finally realised that energy healing was what I felt totally inspired by – so I decided to practice what I preached and put the steps into place to make Unstressable happen.

Why is energy healing and meditation important to you?

Energy healing is incredible for times of emotional difficulty, be it grief, loss, stress or anxiety. It was when I was in a time of grief that I realised just how amazing it is at relieving the physical manifestations of grief, like the feeling of an elephant being sat on your chest. Energy healing managed to alleviate that feeling in just 3 sessions, where a therapist had tried for months.

It’s also incredibly misunderstood and where I try to educate people is that we are all energy - that’s a scientific fact. You have an energy body; everyone has one but can’t see, just like the way we can’t see sound or how we feel the sun's energy. It needs looking after just as much as the physical one as it actually effects the physical one and your emotional state. Healing can clear, unblock and recharge your energy system! It’s amazing and doesn’t need to only be used when you are having a hard time.

Meditation is something I do every day whether that’s for just 5 minutes or longer, as the benefits for your mind for clarity, calm and de-stressing are unsurpassable.

What's your best advice for experiencing one of your classes for the first time?

To have an open mind when it comes to the energy side. Just because you can’t physically see something doesn’t mean it’s not there! And also to take this time as your own personal space for you, to forget about the rest of the world and what’s going on, causing you stress or worry. Be present in the room and use the time for looking after your own wellbeing and making yourself a priority.

What is your favourite mindfulness technique?

Breathing. It sounds so simple, but we never do it properly, especially when stressed, so taking 5 minutes to concentrate solely on my breath (breathing properly and deeply from the diaphragm) and also walking, using a guided walking meditation (from an app like Headspace or a recording of my own). Being out, walking and aware of my surroundings is something that calms me down instantly, especially in nature.

How do you balance teaching and a busy schedule with your well-being?

I make sure that I always do my morning mindset routine which is something I also get clients to do. I put aside 30 minutes every morning for journaling, gratitude, meditation and raising my energy through a great song or an inspiring podcast.

No matter how busy my week is this is something that I don’t negotiate with myself on, because if I miss it, I feel the difference as my mind is not as sharp and calm and my energy not as high. 

I make sure I'm getting enough sleep and some form of exercise, but also that I am enjoying myself, that I am making time to see the people I love and do the things that make me happy. You have to have balance, or something that was once inspiring and fun can become overwhelming and stagnant and you forget why you are doing it in the first place!

What's your favourite By Sarah skincare to enjoy at home?

Definitely the Hero Facial Oil. I use it every day and every night and it’s amazing for promoting clear, hydrated skin. I keep telling all my friends who ask about my skin to buy it!
By Sarah Hero Facial Oil
Follow Alice on Instagram, or check out her new book with Mo Gawdat, Unstressable.

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