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Best organic and sustainable food tips from Abel & Cole

We believe that how you care for your skin extends beyond the products you use to the mindful practices you choose every day, including food. The food you choose to buy and eat not only has an impact on your wellbeing but that of the planet too. That's why we caught up with Francesca Heartfield from organic food box suppliers, Abel & Cole, to find out their top tips for making more organic and sustainable food choices.

By Sarah apricots

Why is organic food important?

This is a question that can have a few different answers, depending on what matters most to you. Of course, for us, it all matters. So here’s our five reasons why we believe organic is important:
  • Food as it should be. Free of artificial fertilisers, herbicides and GM feeds, organic farming grows food as nature intended. Crop rotation, hardy seed choices and the nurturing of natural pest controllers like birds and bugs means that fertility doesn’t need to come in a bag.
  • Food you can trust. European law regulates all organic produce, but the Soil Association (a UK-based certification body of organic food) go leaps and bounds further. To be certified, all our farmers, makers and bakers are inspected at least once a year to ensure safety, quality and traceability.
  • Food that doesn’t cost the Earth. Organic farming is farming for the future. The soil is one of our most valuable resources, and our farmers act as caretakers to their land. They encourage biodiversity, support their local wildlife and know sustainability is the only way forward.
  • Food where the animals come first. The organic standard insists on the highest level of animal welfare anywhere in the world. Not only are the animals always happily free ranging, they don’t receive routine antibiotics, and they even enjoy an organic diet whenever possible.
  • Unbeatable food. The Soil Association Organic Symbol is the mark of tip-top quality. It means every bite has been produced with passion, care and consideration. Real commitment is needed to go organic, and that always shines through in the taste.

What's one organic food swap you'd recommend?

If you’re a dairy drinker, switching to organic milk is a really good start. Our organic milk's pasteurised and unhomogenised. That’s what makes it different from the mass produced stuff. The milk stays creamy at the top, which makes an excellent treat when scooped into your coffee, or just give it a shake to mix it together. Our golden milk is produced by Guernsey and Friesian cows in Wiltshire valleys where they graze on wildflower meadows full of the greenest grass. Nick and Christine milk their cows at exactly 4.30am and 3.30pm. It takes Christine about 2 hours to get through the whole herd and she always gives them a quick health check like a proper mum.

What's the best way to cut down on single-use plastics when buying food?

A big part of this is thinking ahead. Make a habit of bringing a sturdy canvas shopping bag with you wherever you go. The best thing is that single-use plastic is now at the forefront of many of our shopping decisions as individuals, which is a big step in the right direction. And we can’t say this loudly enough – ditch the plastic straws! We’ve always tried to do our bit by delivering our food in reusable, recyclable cardboard boxes since the ‘80s and we’re taking steps to do even more sustainable packaging like our home-compostable carrot bags.

How can we make more sustainable food choices? 

The answer to this one is a big benefit for you as well as the planet. And it’s simple: eat with the seasons. Your food will taste far more fresh, delicious and won’t (possibly) have come from miles and miles away.

How can we make more plant-based food choices?

Is it cheeky to say our website is a good place to start? It used to be the case that finding veggie or vegan-friendly food was a bit of a kerfuffle. We’ve hopefully made it easy for everyone to enjoy organic food. You can filter your shopping choices by your taste. So if it’s vegan, dairy alternatives you’re after or a nut roast for a Sunday get together, you’ll find it all in one handy place.

What fruit or vegetable is in season this month that we should all be eating?

Do we have to pick just one? At the moment we can’t get enough of British asparagus. It’s a real seasonal treat as it only comes once a year. Even better, these creamy flavoured, snappy spears are a doddle to cook. Just whip off the woody ends and toss them in a pan with some butter and garlic. No pre-boiling required!

As we’ve explored, making mindful choices about the food we consume not only benefits our health but also supports the well-being of our planet. At By Sarah, we believe that this same mindfulness extends to the products we use on our skin. Just as organic food nurtures our bodies from the inside, our cruelty-free skincare products nourish your skin from the outside. 

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