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Mixed seeds and nuts and hot chocolate

Eating for healthier skin with model activist, Danielle Copperman

In today's fast-paced world, where the rush of daily life often overshadows our well-being, it's refreshing to take a moment to focus on self-care and slow living. We're thrilled to delve into tips and tricks for better skin health from Danielle Copperman, a renowned model activist and previous founder of Qnola. Danielle's journey, from her passion for wholesome food to her dedication to simple, effective skincare, offers invaluable tips and inspiration. 

Choosing whole foods for better skin health

Switching to a diet rich in whole foods and fibre can dramatically enhance your overall well-being. Unlike ultra-processed foods, which often contain artificial ingredients and preservatives, whole foods provide essential nutrients that support both your gut microbiome and skin health. Danielle found that avoiding processed foods lead to increased energy, improved brain function, and healthier skin.

The connection between gut health and skin

The gut microbiome, a complex community of microorganisms residing in your digestive system, is vital for maintaining overall health. A balanced microbiome aids in nutrient absorption and supports immune function. The state of your gut can significantly impact your skin's health, affecting hydration levels, repair processes, and its ability to protect itself.

Incorporating whole foods into your diet can help nurture your microbiome. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—such as omega-3 fatty acids found in pumpkin seeds—are particularly beneficial. This is why ingredients like pumpkin seed oil are featured in our award-winning Hero Facial Oil, known for its skin-hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties.

By Sarah Hero Facial Oil


Danielle's favourite recipes

Experimenting with simple, wholesome recipes is a great way to diversify your diet and enjoy the benefits of whole foods, and it was experimenting in the kitchen that led to the creation of Qnola, Danielle's quinoa-based granola company. She started making Qnola as a healthier alternative to shop-bought granolas, and as something quick and easy to take to shoots with her. 

Why quinoa? It’s high in protein, fibre and healthy fats (which have incredible benefits for skin, hair and nails), and it comes in many delicious forms; the whole grain / seed, flakes, puffs, flour and even oil.

Aside from Qnola, Danielle’s culinary favourites include dishes like sweetcorn fritters and sweet potato gratin. These recipes not only provide balanced nutrition but also make for delightful and satisfying meals. For quick, nutritious snacks, she loves to prepare raw tamari and avocado brownies. She makes these in bulk and keeps them in the freezer, ensuring she always has a healthy treat on hand.

Model-approved skincare routine

Danielle is an advocate for a straightforward, effective skincare routine. Her approach focuses on simplicity and quality, incorporating practices that enhance the skin’s natural radiance. Her morning routine often includes a facial massage, which can help stimulate circulation and promote a refreshed appearance. For de-puffing and rejuvenating the skin, she recommends using tools like jade rollers or chilled teaspoons, which can help reduce puffiness and make the skin feel revitalised.

In terms of hydration, Danielle loves natural oils. She often opts for ingredients like jojoba oil, which is a key component in our Ally Recovery Facial Oil. Jojoba oil is known for its deep moisturising properties and is especially beneficial during the colder months when skin tends to be drier. By incorporating these natural oils into her skincare routine, Danielle ensures her skin remains well-nourished and hydrated, all year-round.

Why not follow Danielle's lead and switch to natural and restorative skincare to truly nourish your skin. Discover our cruelty-free skincare collection and see for yourself how our plant oil blends and formulations nourish, hydrate and rejuvenate your skin. 


Follow Danielle on Instagram, @dcopperman.



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